Professional Writing and Editing Services
Develop Story and Content
I feel as if my mission in life has been to convince people of all ages and background that the stories they carry around in their heads can be developed into print. Whether it’s for personal use, to share with friends and family, or to take it to a public audience through professional publishing agencies, I will work with you in this development stage. Specializing in crafting clear, impactful content, I can ensure your story is developed with creativity, insight, and professionalism.
Providing Attention to Detail
I have extensive experience in reviewing, revising, and wordsmithing a variety of texts. In fact, it takes me to my happy place to give a careful read for detail, expand content when needed, and smooth out the edges of the text. Trust me to review your work with a keen eye to make the most of your voice.
Finalizing Your Work
Have you ever felt so close to your work that it’s hard to step away and give it a close read? I’ve learned that a final set of eyes—and from a different perspective—is necessary to give a text a professional polish. I will review your text, check with you on any content that is not clear and comprehensible, and give your work that final audience approval.
I have taught in a variety of education settings, countries, and language contexts. From my early interest in child development Iearned my B.S. Education at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro. I then served as a United States Peace Corps Volunteer in Lesotho, Southern Africa. I taught HeadStart and early elementary education in California. After earning my Master’s Degree at California State University, Northridge and then my Ph.D. at the University of California, Santa Barbara, I began my university scholarship at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. My scholarship has focused on bilingualism in children’s literature, culture as a factor in learning, and how families and communities add to our lifelong learning. I have mentored colleagues in their scholarship and served as a writing coach in our university faculty support program. Through my graduate and undergraduate level courses, I have supported over 200 students in self-publishing their work of children’s literature. I especially appreciate the language and cultural differences that a writer brings to a text through print and illustration. All of this is to say, I honor the stories you bring! Building on my experience as a researcher, writer, and teacher of writing, I look forward to learning about you and your publication needs.
Contact Information:
Permanent Address: 414 John S. Mosby Drive
Wilmington, North Carolina 28412, US
(1) 910-998-2257 (Mobile)
List of Publications
Fox, K & Szech, L. (2022). Family Literacy Practices and Home School Connections: Perspectives from a Year at Home. IGI Global Press.
Fox, K., Bahlmann, C., Hughes, J., Milstead, M. (June 2013.) Organic Vocabulary: The Keywords Approach to Seeing Words in Print. University Press.
Book chapters
Fox, K. (2022). Lessons learned from virtual home visits: Is it time to rethink homework and other school-to-home engagement? Family Literacy Practices and Home School Connections: Perspectives from a Year at Home. IGI Global Press.
Fox, K. (2020). Bidirectional Benefits from School to Home Literacy Practices. Teaching, technology, and teacher education during the COVID-19 pandemic: Stories from the field. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
Fox, K. Home-school pathways: Exploring opportunities for teacher and parent connections. Handbook of Research on Leadership and Advocacy for Children and Families in Rural Poverty. Editors Carol Greene, Brian Zugelder and Jane Manner. IGI Global. 2020.
Ho, H., Fox, K. & Gonzalez, M. Making Schools Family-Friendly. Chapter 5. Family School Community Partnership. Editor Dianna Hiatt-Michaels. Santa Monica, CA: Pepperdine University. 2007.
Ho, H., Gonzalez, M. & Fox, K. Providing Culturally-Sensitive Parent Education Programs. Chapter 6. Family School Community Partnership. Editor Dianna Hiatt-Michaels. Santa Monica, CA: Pepperdine University. 2007.
The Use of Children’s Literature to Promote Social Justice Issues. Chapter 9. Literacy for Diverse Learners: Finding Common Ground in Today's Classrooms. Editors Barbara Honchell and Melissa Shultz. Norwood, MA: Christopher-Gordon. 2006.
Journal articles
Fox, K. (2023.) Building an understanding of family literacy: Changing practices regarding homework and other forms of school-home engagement. School Community Journal. (33)1. 67-86.
Fox, K., Roney, K. & Hargrove, T. (2022). Technostress: Classroom teachers’ social emotional health in the COVID-19 pandemic. Quarterly Review of Distance Education. 23(1). 13-22.
Fox, K. (2021). Bullying in children’s literature: Exploring critical issues to enable actions through teacher read alouds. Florida Literacy Journal. 21(2). 26-40.
Dempsey, V., Hill-Black, S., Roseboro, D., Fox, K., Sidbury, K., Stocker, J., Derusha, E., Jennings, L., Hilburn, J., Nobles, K., and Sterrett, W. (2021). A reflective faculty-in-residence model in a K-8 lab school: Lessons learned. School-University Partnerships. 14(2), 115-120
Fox, K., Hungate, M., Veltri, J. (2020). What’s new in teacher-parent communication? Discovering methods that work. Literacy Matters. (20). 34-41.
Buchanan, L. B., Moody, A., Fox, K.R., & Hargrove, T. Y. (2018). Professional learning communities as teacher educator professional development: Articulating the impact on pedagogy and study learning. Learning Communities Journal. 10, 67-85.
Fox, K. (2016). Homework as a family literacy practice: What counts as best practices for children deemed as high risk for academic failure due to socioeconomic status. School Community Journal, 26(2)
Fox, K. (2016). Family literacy practices surrounding homework. Journal of Family Diversity in Education, 2(2).100-117
Schlichting, K. & Fox, K. (2015). Authentic assessment at the graduate level: The practice of reflection. Teaching Education.
Fox, K. (January 2014). Exploring neighborhood literacy: Increasing teachers’ understanding of literacy access through community mapping. Journal of Praxis in Multicultur
Fox, K., & McNulty, C.P. (January 2013). Redefining teacher support structures in the induction year: Ensuring retention to promote tomorrow’s leaders. The School Administrator.
Fox, K. & Caloia, R. (Winter 2011/2012). Representation of the father-figure in children’s picture books. Reading Matters, 12, 19-31.
Fox, K. & Caloia, R. (Fall 2011). Representation of male characters in Caldecott medal winning books, 1990-2011. The Dragon Lode, The Journal of Children’s Literature for the International Reading Association, 30(1), 17-23.
Fox, K., Campbell, M. & Hargrove, T. (October 2011). Examining reflective practices: Insights from pre-service teachers, in-service teachers and faculty. Journal of Research in Teaching, 21(2), 37-54.
Fox, K., Hargrove, T. & Walker, B. (Spring 2010). Reflective practice in a teacher education program: Helping tomorrow's teachers think like literacy teachers today. Florida Reading Quarterly, 46(2), 10-18.
McNulty, C.P. & Fox, K. (Spring 2010). Teacher dropouts? Empowering induction year teachers to create affable environments to enhance retention. Childhood Education, 86(5), 312-315.
Hargrove, T., Fox, K. & Walker, B. (Spring 2010). Making a difference for pre-service teachers through authentic experiences and reflection. Southeastern Teacher Education, 3(1), 45-55.
Fox, K. (Winter 2010). Homework as a collective practice for language and culture minority families. Journal of Praxis in Multicultural Education, 4(1).13-27.
Fox, K. (Winter 2010). Helping children make a difference: Developing the awareness of poverty through local service projects. The Social Studies, 10(1), 1-
Fox, K. (Summer 2009). Keywords fifty years after: Revisiting the work of Sylvia Ashton-Warner. California Reader, 42(3), 19-30.
Fox, K. (November/December 2008). Online resources for developing awareness of poverty. Social Studies and the Young Learner, 21(2), 32-33.
Fox, K., Schlichting, K. & Walker, B. (Winter 2008). Using author studies to inform, support and inspire children’s reading and writing. Reading Matters, 9.
Fox, K. (2008). Transformative literature choices for the elementary read aloud. The Dragon Lode: The Journal of Children’s Literature for the International Reading Association, 22(2).21-27.
Schlichting, K. & Fox, K. (2008). Authors as mentors: Bringing authors to life in the elementary classroom through author studies. Florida Reading Quarterly, 44(3), 6-11.
Fox, K. (2006). Using author studies in children’s literature to explore social justice issues. The Social Studies, 97(6), 251-256.
Fox, K. Better than before: Building on experiences regarding school to home engagement in a post COVID-19 pandemic world. END Conference. Porto, Portugal. June, 2024.
Fox, K., Morge, S., & Hargrove, T. (Accepted) Family math in the post-COVID-19 setting: New and traditional practical math applications to sponsor conversations about math. International Conference of The Mathematics Education for the Future Project Building on the Past to Prepare for the Future. Bologna, Italy. August 7-10, 2024.
Fox, K., Hargrove, T. & Roney, K. Lessons learned from teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: Operationalizing the what if’s. END Conference. Lisbon, Portugal. June 24-26, 2023.
Fox, K., Building an understanding of family practices: Changing perspectives regarding authentic learning opportunities in the home. 16th International Conference of The Mathematics Education for the Future Project Building on the Past to Prepare for the Future. Cambridge University, UK.
Fox, K., Roney, K. & Hargrove, T. Teachers’ social emotional status: Effects of Covid-19 and Technostress. Report from Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) Interactive Conference. October 26-27, 2020.
Fox, K. Homework as a collective practice for language minority families. Report from Hawaii International Fox, K. Organic vocabulary: Sylvia Ashton-Warner’s Teacher revisited. Report from Hawaii International Educators Conference. January 6-9, 2006.
Fox, K. (2004). Homework as a collective practice for language minority families. Mid-Atlantic Conference on Scholarship and Artistic Achievement, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg VA. March 18-19, 2004.
Fox, K. Homework as a collective task. Report from Closing the Gap: Issues in Race and Ethnicity 50 Years After Brown VS Education Decision Conference. Petersburg, VA. March, 2004.
Additional publications
Fox, K. (Summer 2009). Story Letters. Idea Sparkers. Childhood Education, 85(4), 62.
Nesbit, C.R., Hargrove, T. & Fox, K. Implementing Inquiry Science through the Use of Science Notebooks. Report from National Association for Research in Science Teaching Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia. April 1-3, 2004.
Sample quotations from colleagues
Kathy welcomed me and continues to be a great mentor and friend Amy, Science scholar and educator
Fond memories of working with her to promote literacy for children in the summer. Angie, Science scholar and educator
Dr. Fox embodies the true qualities of a mentor—generosity, wisdom, and an infectious joy of learning Nirmal, English as a Second Language scholar and educator
[Her} love of literacy and children’s books inspired me to become more familiar with quality children’s books. Georgie, Elementary school educator
Oh, I loved collaborating with Dr. Fox who really got me thinking differently about reading comprehension and instilled a love for reading in my resource room. Thomas, Education scholar
Samples of self published children’s books by students
Sample quotations from former students
Dr. Fox was a pivotal person in my education. She had such an impact on my teaching style and career. I would not be where I am today without her guidance. Thank you for everything you have done for me and the field of education. Chase, Current elementary program coordinator and teacher
I will never forget how Keywords impacted my teaching and continue to weave through my based on the memories and connections to my life. Jenn, Current professional development and literacy educator
Dr, Fox was inspiring to me and my favorite teacher…. I continue to love what I do. Megan, Elementary school educator
Sample Downloads, Citations, and Spotlights
*2087 Total Downloads of a prominent publication on digital scholarship:
Fox, K. (January 2014). Exploring neighborhood literacy: Increasing teachers’ understanding of literacy access through community mapping. Journal of Praxis in Multicultural Education.
*1,334 papers citations listed by Academia:
Fox, K., Campbell, M. & Hargrove, T. (October 2011). Examining reflective practices: Insights from pre-service teachers, in-service teachers and faculty. Journal of Research in Teaching, 21(2), 37-54.
School Community Network Resource Webpage November-December 2023
Fox, Kathy R. (2023) Building an Understanding of Family Literacy: Changing Practices Regarding Homework and Other Forms of School–Home Engagement. School Community Journal. Vol 33, 1.
“Findings from this qualitative study of 11 practicing teachers showed a new appreciation for family literacy efforts….As schools reopened and teacher, parent, and caregiver relationships returned to a more distant space, these participants described small but significant changes in the way they planned to engage parents and caregivers in the future.” Vol 33, No 1 - Spring/Summer 2023